
MIRA Technology Park

Europe’s largest transport technology park developing future technology and delivering inspiring solutions for the transport sector.

MIRA Technology Park Enterprise Zone

Leading transport technology centre:

MIRA is home to over 37 major test facilities and laboratories including crash, impact simulation, noise and vibration, vehicle and component environmental facilities, along with a full scale aerodynamic wind tunnel. Combined with a 100km proving ground complex supported by 500 engineers and contained within a 1.75million sqft Technology Park make the offering globally unique. MIRA are helping to develop the next generation of electric cars, braking systems, intelligent transport systems and driverless vehicle technologies.

Driving skills:

MIRA has many live apprentice and graduate programs and collaborative research opportunities, which are very popular and heavily oversubscribed. MIRAs aim is ensuring a ready supply of skills to secure the future of transport engineering. MIRA, along with three academic partners has secured £9.5 million for the creation of a skills training centre with the focus on the creation of specialist engineering skills absent in the labour supply chain.

Automotive industry:

The Zone has attracted key transport businesses to the region, including a number of high-profile international businesses like Bosch Engineering, Lockheed Martin, Aston Martin, Haldex and many others supporting the Zone’s vision to create Europe’s largest transport sector research and development cluster.

This Enterprise Zone has a planned extension from April 2016. More details here.

Looking to invest, or just want to find out more? Visit the MIRA Technology Park Enterprise Zone website here.

Read our latest stories on MIRA Technology Park Enterprise Zone

Sector focus

  • Advanced Manufacturing/Engineering
  • Automotive
  • ICT
  • Low Carbon Industry
  • Transport


87 hectares north east of Nuneaton in the East Midlands.

Find out more

Terry Spall
Commercial Director
MIRA Technology Park Ltd
Email [email protected]
Telephone +44(0)2476 355220 Mobile +44(0)7760 178892

MIRA Technology Park website

[email protected]