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EZ Data Release 01.12.2015

Posted on 1 December 2015 · Posted in News

The following data records outputs of the Enterprise Zones programme as self-reported by local areas on a quarterly basis. The data is not validated but all efforts have been made to ensure its accuracy. The national and regional totals reflect some under-reporting. Returns from 7 of the 24 areas in the programme were incomplete or not submitted by the due date. Updated data will be included in future releases.

The table below shows current and previous quarter data for the periods:
April 2012 – March 2015 and April 2012 – June 2015

The next publication of Enterprise Zone data will cover July – September and be released in the new year 2016.

National Data [1]

Previous quarter January – March 2015 Current quarter April – June 2015 Numerical increase % increase [2]
Jobs 18,949 20,676 1,727 9%
Companies 540 566 26 5%
Private Sector Investment
(£ millions)
2,224 2,265 41 2%


Regional Data 

Please see below for a split of the above National Enterprise Zone data by region [3]

Previous quarter January – March 2015 Current quarter April – June 2015 % Change (rounded)
Jobs 5,125 5,889 15%
Companies 139 150 8%
Private Sector Investment
(£ millions)
1,100 1,120 1.8%


Previous quarter January – March 2015 Current quarter April – June 2015 % Change (rounded)
Jobs 6,501 6,969 7%
Companies 85 88 4%
Private Sector Investment
(£ millions)
1,000 1,000 0%


South West
Previous quarter January – March 2015 Current quarter April – June 2015 % Change (rounded)
Jobs 2,663 3,083 18%
Companies 118 127 8%
Private Sector Investment
(£ millions)
45.1 45.15 0.1%


South East and London
Previous quarter January – March 2015 Current quarter April – June 2015 % Change (rounded)
Jobs 3,670 3,715 1%
Companies 151 154 2%
Private Sector Investment
(£ millions)
68.2 68.2 0%


East of England
Previous quarter January – March 2015 Current quarter April – June 2015 % Change (rounded)
Jobs 990 1,020 3%
Companies 47 47 0%
Private Sector Investment
(£ millions)
35.30 35.70 1.13%


Rural Zones

There are currently 7 Enterprise Zones based predominantly in rural areas [4], according to DEFRA definitions.

Previous quarter January – March 2015 Current quarter April – June 2015 % Change (rounded)
Rural Jobs 3,156 3,749 19%


[1] The data returns have been checked prior to release but, given all data are self-reported, it is difficult to ensure standards and robustness across EZs. Data collection arrangements are kept under close review and steps are being taken to improve them wherever possible

[2] See footnote 1 above on limitations of this data source

[3] 9 zones in the North are: Daresbury, Humber, Lancashire, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, Sheffield, North East, Tees, 6 in the Midlands: Birmingham, Black Country, Hereford, MIRA, Northampton, Nottingham, 2 in the southwest: Newquay, Bristol, 5 in the South East; Harlow, Discovery Park, Science Vale Oxford, Royal Docks London, Solent), 2 in the East of England: Alconbury, New Anglia

[4] Alconbury, Newquay, Hereford, Lancashire, MIRA, Science Vale, Daresbury